Been Agiled

Well, it seems that I have been Agiled. I spent most of this week at The Knowledge Academy in London being lectured on the Agile/DSDM methodology. Very interesting. It seems to address a wider scope than just Scrum, and is clearly applicable to many areas other than just software development (a 'marketing point' that seemed to come up many times). The Practitioner mock exam (done as homework) concerned a second hand book business that had bought a record and memorabilia business and wanted to rebrand and launch themselves at a trade show in Geneva. My concerns about the applicability of Agile to the real world non-IT scenarios were largely addressed. The real Exam was concerned with the refurbishment of an old hotel; again, interesting to apply the theory to this challenge.

I await the results email from APMG with some trepidation ... I know unofficially that I have passed the Foundation Exam (by a healthy margin), but I have to wait for the Practitioner Exam result. As is the case with all exams, there's always a bit of you that chips away between your ears saying 'nah ... you blew that .....' We shall see …

…. late addition: I am officially an Agile Practitioner!

As a postscript I would have to say that The Knowledge Academy did a great job; they should definitely be considered if you are thinking of doing something like this.


A Very Experienced IT Project Manager (who also sings)